For years, we've operated on a shoestring budget that's far below that of comparable non-profit advocacy groups. We've been digging into our reserves to make ends meet. We are managing declining resources as our work with our Local Leagues, coalitions, and partner organizations continues to grow.
As we move into our second century, the need for education, advocacy, and action is even more critical, but the only way we can continue to provide that support to Ohio voters is if LWVO becomes financially healthier.
about INSPIRE!
We created the Inspire! Leadership Fund to provide that source of support into the 2020 election cycle and beyond. The goal of this critically important campaign is to raise $4 million in cash investments and pledged bequests over the next three years.
Inspire! allows us to grow our capacity and resources so we may become more effective both at the Statehouse and in all 88 counties. The fund will be prudently invested to provide security and ensure a predictable source of resources for our work.
The investments members and other supporters make in Inspire! will accomplish many objectives, among them:
enhance our grassroots efforts
grow and nurture local Leagues
meet challenges to voting rights
support issue advocacy campaigns
ensure a seat at decision-making tables
professionalize our office operations
keep up with changing technology
As a member or ally in our efforts to make democracy work in Ohio and throughout the nation, your investment in this critically important one-time campaign is vital. You'll help us create a legacy to support LWVO throughout our second century and ensure we can continue to be that impartial advocate for the ultimate source of our democracy, the individual voter.
(We also welcome planned giving, such as bequests and gifts of investments and life insurance.)
Please consider the importance of our work and what it means to you as an informed, consceientous voter, and then make your thoughtful and meaningful contribution to the long-term health and effectiveness of the League of Women Voters of Ohio. Know that every contribution will help and will be deeply appreciated by your leadership, our staff, our members, and most important, by the voters of Ohio.