LWVO Volunteer Lobby Corps Call
The LWVO Lobby Corps consists of volunteers across the state who work to track and influence state-level policy. Individual League members agree to take responsibility for a specific subject area outlined in the LWV Ohio Agenda for Action. This includes democracy issues and topics such as education, natural resources, and health equity. Lobby Calls keep all League members on our positions and allow us to speak with one voice.
Lobby calls are held twice a month: the second and fourth Tuesday at noon. Lobby Calls are attended by
Issue Specialists
Support Team Members
Local League Liaisons
Any interested League members
Call agendas may include:
Strategy sessions
Important messaging and priorities
Updates on legislation
Some basic training tip
A chance to ask questions
Click here for more information about becoming an Issue Specalist or Support team member, including a full description and application.
Interested in learning more? Enter your information below to be added to the Lobby Corps listserve. Filling out this form will only add your email to the Lobby Corps list-serve. You will be kept informed of Lobby Corps conference calls, meetings, trainings, and opportunities. This is a great way to keep abreast of what is happening at the Statehouse and how LWVO is strategizing around our priorities. Your level of involvement is completely up to you!
Fill out the form below to join the listserv as an official Local League Liaison. It will be up to you to keep your Local League Board informed of messaging and priorities. You will be kept informed of Lobby Corps conference calls, meetings, trainings, and opportunities.
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LWV Ohio tracks a number of bills around several issues, including democracy and voting, education, environment and energy, gun safety, and more. The LWV Ohio Legislative Tracker is a list of bills that are priority issues for the League. Categorized by issue, it includes a brief description and the LWVO position. You can use it to stay informed and help narrow down where to get started in your advocacy efforts.