Karen Leith
LWVO Board Director
Dr. Karen Leith has been on the LWVO Board for the last four years rebuilding advocacy resources, revitalizing Lobby Corps and working with local Leagues finding ways to speak out on priority issues. As a member of the Hudson League since 1981, Karen has held every office on her local board over the years. Her understanding of League at all levels has enhanced her role as Board liaison for recent studies: health equity, arming school personnel, criminal justice and ranked choice voting. She chaired the committee that brought concurrence on the charter school position. She has a BA in Math/Economics from Brown University; MA in Religious Studies from John Carroll University; MA Experimental Psychology and PhD Social Psychology from Case Western University. Her work experience has included educator from elementary through college levels, author, youth minister, pastoral minister, and director of social justice. Karen is very active in her community working on environmental justice, equity and inclusion issues. She is also a volunteer lobbyist.